Links & Resources
Links to websites relating to the ITC’s mission will be placed on this page.
Academics and Academic Groups:
Departments connected with ITC members:
The Martin Centre, University of Cambridge
Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford
Centre for Transport Studies, University College London
Experts previously commissioned by the ITC:
Professor Peter White, Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster
Professor Kostas Galanakis, School of Business, University of Dundee
Professor Stephen Glaister CBE, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Professor Marcial Echenique, The Martin Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge Department of Architecture
Professor Joyce Dargay, Emeritus Professor of Transport Econometrics, University of Leeds
Chris Cain, Managing Director, Northpoint Aviation
Research Grant Awarding Bodies:
The Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Transport and Land Use Organisations:
Community Transport Association
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation
Town and Country Planning Association