Road and Rail Travel Trends Media

Rail Engineer – 18May 2018

Performance or Capacity

The Independent Transport Commission (ITC) similarly developed its own April 2017 report ‘Classic Rail and Connected Cities’, with a seminar in July addressing ‘Overcrowding on Public Transport’. Grounded in rail infrastructure improvement and innovation deployment, the discussion broadened into multimodal transport planning for capacity solutions, acknowledging the need to resolve behavioural and disability challenges faced by travellers.

BBC, Richard Westcott – 8 December 2016

Travel study reveals changing behaviour among young and old

A major new study into how people travel around England shows a big difference between the generations. Young people increasingly are ditching the car, whilst older people, especially women, drive more than ever. The Independent Transport Commission (ITC) also found that people are making fewer trips than they did twenty years ago, but those trips are longer. Men under 35 are the most likely to shun the car, whilst women over 60 are driving more than ever. One of the authors, Dr Matthew Niblett, director of the ITC, says: “This report uncovers seismic shifts in patterns of individual travel behaviour.”

The Telegraph, Jonathan Wells – 17 July 2015

Why young men have fallen out of love with cars

It’s a sad state of affairs, but cars just aren’t that important to young male drivers anymore. Factors ranging from Uber and improved public transport to the ever-rising costs of petrol, insurance and university have contributed to a massive decline in the number of teenagers and twentysomethings getting behind the wheel. A new report, published yesterday by the Independent Transport Commission and Office of Rail and Road, has outlined just some of the reasons why the open road has lost much of its allure to prospective male drivers.

The Times, Graeme Paton – 16 July 2015

Teenagers fall out of love with cars

(Subscription required) Driving is being split along generational lines with a growing proportion of pensioners retaining their licences just as young people “fall out of love” with the car, according to research. A study found that young people were ditching car ownership because of internet shopping, taxi-sharing apps and better public transport. The fall was also attributed to the escalating cost of insurance for young people, with some being quoted almost £5,400 a year for comprehensive cover. Older drivers, meanwhile, are hanging on to their cars to “preserve their independence”. The conclusions are made in a report from the Independent Transport Commission, alongside the Office of Rail and Road, into attitudes towards different forms of transport.

The Times – 29 January 2015

Auto-immune: Car ownership looks set to fall as alternatives become more attractive

A persuasive new study by the Independent Transport Commission (ITC) suggests decreased usage will soon become decreased ownership. What planners call “peak car” –— the point at which a road network becomes effectively full up and the disincentives to owning a car outweigh the convenience — may well be about to arrive.

The Times, Graeme Paton – 29 January 2015

Jammed roads ‘will spell the end of car ownership’

A rising number of adults — principally in the inner cities — will shun car ownership in favour of club-style rental deals and greater use of taxis, the Independent Transport Commission suggests. The think-tank adds that the number of miles driven by each car may fall dramatically as people seek alternative modes of transport.

BBC News, Richard Westcott – 3 December 2012

Which way forward for Britain’s car and rail travel?

The research, which was actually commissioned by the RAC Foundation, the Independent Transport Commission, the Office of Rail Regulation and Transport Scotland, also looks at the corresponding boom on the trains over the same period.

Transport Xtra, Deniz Huseyin – 8 December 2016

Younger adults turning away from the car, says ITC report

(Subscription required) Car use among younger men has dropped significantly over the past 20 years, a new study by the Independent Transport Commission (ITC) has revealed. The number of miles driven by men in the 17 – 34 age group has fallen 47%, the study found. Over the same period their use of rail has increased by 49% while there has been an 11% increase in journeys by bike and a 4% fall in journeys on foot.

Highways – 8 December 2016

Research shows inter-generational differences in transport behaviour

A new study into transport preferences has found individual car use is decreasing among younger people (under-35s), while rail ridership is increasing across all age groups, in spite of the 2008 financial crash and above-inflation rail ticket costs. The Independent Transport Commission looked at at 1995-2014 data to produce its report “Recent trends in road and rail travel: What do they tell us? On the Move 2 (1995-2014): Overview and policy analysis”.  The paper was based on research commissioned from experts Gordon Stokes and Peter Headicar . Using National Travel Survey data, the findings identify the pattern of road and rail travel trends in England between 1995 and 2014.  The study updates two previous reports into travel trends up to 2007 and a parallel study on related attitudinal trends.

Admiral – 8 December 2016

Changing driving behaviour among both young and old revealed

A recent study by the Independent Transport Commission (ITC) shows new trends in how people travel around England. It’s shown that fewer young people are using cars to get around, while older people are driving more than ever. The study also shows that more women over 60 are driving their cars more frequently, while men under 35 are more likely to steer away from using cars.

Railnews, Alan Marshall – 5 August 2015

Why rail passenger growth will continue and has nothing to do with privatisation

With none of the fanfare we might usually expect from government ministers, a significant report has just been published which clearly shows that rail passenger growth has nothing at all to do with privatisation 20 years ago, but everything to do with peoples’ changing behaviour, especially among younger folk. A study by the Independent Transport Commission (ITC) and the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has followed up on findings three years ago that road and rail travel trends were not behaving as the forecasting models had predicted, with car travel much lower than estimated while rail growth had significantly exceeded expectations.

Railnews – 5 August 2015

Younger people increasingly turning to trains

Young people are ‘falling out of love with the car’ and turning to trains instead, according to a new report. The report prepared for the Office of Rail and Road and the Independent Transport Commission reveals major attitude changes to travel – especially in the younger age groups. The report supports earlier findings and is also supported by many years of statistics which have shown train travel rising almost continuously over the past two decades.

Rail Professional – July 2015

ORR and ITC report shows changing attitudes towards travel

Economic factors and smart technology are key drivers behind the changing patterns of behaviour in road and rail travel in the UK, according to a report. On the Move: Exploring attitudes to road and rail travel in Britain found that concessionary and advance fares on public transport are important drivers of travel choice and that business travellers have become more accustomed to using technology on the move. Commissioned by the Independent Transport Commission (ITC) and the Office of Rail and Road (ORR), the report investigates changing attitudes amongst four key groups – younger people, older people, migrants, and business travellers – and how they are all having key impacts upon overall travel trends.

Transport Xtra, Scott Le Vine – Issue 641, 21 February 2014

Automated cars are coming, but has anyone grasped their implications?

(Subscription required) Autonomous cars, driverless cars, automated cars… are the hot topic in transport today… This is the subject of a new Occasional Paper that John Polak and I have completed for the Independent Transport Commission. Entitled ‘Automated cars: A smooth ride ahead?’, we survey what is happening now, what is at stake, the direction of travel, and which policy options are on the table.

Transport Xtra, John Helm – Issue 625, 28 June 2013

Driverless cars and limitless energy: is this transport’s future?

(Subscription required) ‘Fusion: feasibility and the future of transport’ was the title of the Independent Transport Commission’s annual lecture held last week at London’s Science Museum. The audience, which included roads minister Stephen Hammond, was treated to a double-bill of Professor Richard Parry-Jones and Professor Steve Cowley.

Express, John Ingham – 3 December 2012

Women drivers overtake men on the road

The report was commissioned by the RAC Foundation, the Office of Rail Regulation, the Independent Transport Commission and Transport Scotland. It found that in London car mileage whether in private or company cars is in decline but across the rest of the country mileage is on the increase.

Transport Xtra – Issue 11, 29 April 2010

Six scenarios that change the game for long distance travel

(Subscription required) At the heart of the Independent Transport Commission study of long distance travel is a statistical model which explains, and can forecast, long distance travel demand in a number of different game-changing scenarios.