Charitable Giving
The Commission is an independent research charity. It has no endowment, and as such is wholly dependent upon financial support from donors. The costs of financing research, disseminating findings, and hosting debates are significant, and the Commission could not proceed without funding support from the private sector.
Please consider supporting the Commission and our charitable work.
If you would like to support the valuable work of the Commission with a grant or legacy, please contact the ITC Director.
Corporate Members
The Trustees have pleasure in acknowledging the generous support of our Corporate Members. Our corporate supporters are major companies and organisations who have kindly backed the ITC’s mission and charitable research with a multi-year commitment to grant funding. We retain editorial independence from all our supporters.
Drawn from across the transport and land use worlds, our team of corporate benefactors enables the ITC’s charitable work to continue:
and Veezu
Since its launch the Commission has also been fortunate to receive Research Grants from the following organisations:
Office of Rail and Road
Civil Aviation Authority
Rees Jeffreys Road Fund
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Sainsbury Family Trusts
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
Department for Transport
The Trustees are deeply grateful for the research grants from these organisations.