Contact Us

If you would like to contact the Commission, please write to the ITC Director:

Dr Matthew Niblett, FRSA

Independent Transport Commission

70 Cowcross Street



Tel. 0207 253 5510

Email (General enquiries):

Email (Events enquiries):

Email (Media enquiries):


Dr Matthew Niblett joined the ITC in 2009 and heads the Directorate as Director of the ITC. He was a Senior Research Associate at the Transport Studies Unit at Oxford University, and a member of Keble College, Oxford where he was awarded his D.Phil. in Modern History. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has given evidence on transport matters to number of Select Committee enquiries.

Leigh Stanford  joined the ITC as Office Manager in 2017. Leigh has a wide range of experience in the charitable sector and also runs the office for Save Britain’s Heritage. She has her own blog exploring London’s 20th century architectural heritage.

Jana El Hajj is the ITC’s Project Assistant and joined in 2023. She is a PhD candidate at the Transport Studies Unit at the University of Oxford, and  holds an MSc in Transport and City Planning from University College London. She has worked on research projects in the UK and internationally and has been involved with multiple development and consultancy organisations.

If you would like to comment on any aspect of this website, please contact the ITC webmaster.