March 5, 2024
The ITC has published anew report examining the longer-term impacts of the Covid19 pandemic on transport and land use in Britain. The report was authored by an ITC working group and draws from a wide range of evidence to show how the pandemic has left a legacy of long-term behavioural changes and requires a rethink […]
November 17, 2022
The ITC has published a new report for policy makers exploring how to achieve net zero carbon transport across a range of city scales. The report, authored by an academic team at Nottingham Business School, provides a toolkit for assessing progress and argues that more local authority funding is needed to achieve carbon targets. Please […]
October 12, 2021
The ITC has released a new policy report exploring the longer term impacts of the Covid19 pandemic on transport and land use in Britain. Based on an ITC Call for Evidence from industry leaders, the report explores how the pandemic has changed trends and the implications for policy making. A copy can be downloaded by […]
September 2, 2021
The ITC has released its new book with Bristol University Press: Why Travel? Understanding our need to move and how it shapes our lives. The book brings together a range of world leading experts from across many subject areas to explore the motivations that lie behind human travel. For more information on the book and […]
January 26, 2020
A major new report exploring the changing shape of the bus market in England has been released by the ITC. Supported by a research grant from the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund, the report is authored by travel demand experts Dr Scott Le Vine and Professor Emeritus Peter White. It can be downloaded by clicking here.
November 19, 2018
The ITC has released a major new report exploring wider factors affecting the growth in passenger rail travel in Britain. The report, authored by Cambridge researchers Ian Williams and Dr Kaveh Jahanshahi, can be downloaded by clicking here.
November 19, 2017
The ITC has released a major new report exploring the strategic challenges facing UK aviation over the coming decades. The report, authored by Dr Rebecca Driver, follows an extensive consultation with the industry. To download a copy of the report, please click here.
July 19, 2017
The ITC has released the latest in its Occasional Paper series exploring key issues surrounding transport and Brexit. The paper reflects issues and concerns raised by the industry in our Call for Evidence.
May 29, 2017
The ITC has released a new report exploring how we can improve urban freight distribution. Drawing on a set of innovative case studies the report makes recommendations to authorities and policy makers. Please click here to download.
April 11, 2017
The ITC has released a new report exploring how the benefits from rail system development can be spread more widely across our cities and regions. The report identifies a set of principles that can be adapted and incorporated into rail infrastructure planning and delivery. Please click here to download.